Monday 21 November 2016

HUMAN RIGHTS: #JamaicanLivesMatter

We need to turn some of our attention from #BlackLivesMatter in the United States and put more of our attention on #JamaicanLivesMatter right here in Jamaica. There's a lot going on. A lot. Amnesty International has been giving some attention to Nakiea Jackson's killing a couple years ago so I've become acquainted with this particular case. One of the things that struck me is how the police often have an excuse not to turn up in court on the days when the case is being tried. I remember someone who worked for my family many, many years ago had a brother who was shot by the police and the police used to do the same thing every time the case came up in court. Amazing how not much has changed over all these years.  

If you are interested in keeping up to date on police extra judicial killings and other human rights issues in Jamaica you can follow the Jamaicans For Justice Facebook page, and the Amnesty International Caribbean Facebook page.  You can also get some of the background on Nakiea Jackson's killing from Petchary's Blog in 2014.

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